Wednesday, August 27, 2008


A kaleidoscope is a tube of mirrors containing loose colored beads, pebbles or other small colored objects. The viewer looks in one end and light enters the other end, reflecting off the mirrors. As the tube is rotated, the tumbling of the colored objects presents the viewer with varying colors and patterns. Any arbitrary pattern of objects shows up as a beautiful symmetric pattern because of the reflections in the mirrors.

Kaleidoscpic will be a platform to launch my thoughts/feelings to the world. Its sole purpose is to vent out the various issues that I may ponder upon, which may include frustration/anger to blissful happiness or even interesting aspects of my life that i may wish to 'force upon' the world.

My apologies, should anyone feel victimised/framed/sad etc. It is certainly not my intention to cause any harm upon others. On the other hand, should you feel humoured by my extremely lack of wit, again i offer my sincerest 'apologies'.


I do hope Kaleidoscopic will not be one of my failed 'schemes' that eventually loses flavour with time.

Do leave comments. I may (or may not) take them into consideration in the future.

ANYWAYS!! There'll be more and more of me to look out for in the future!
Though i highly doubt that ppl will look out for it anyway?? haha!

Posts AHOY!


esther said...

hey dear

nice blog title - kaleidoscopic!

don't fail this blog of your's hehe

i'll be your avid blog reader!

abigail3003 said...

OH HI!!!!
welcome on board the blogging band wagon.. :P

hehe .. and sure i'll be one of those faithful ones too.. juz cant help reading the blog of a buddy who has such splendid english.. hahahahahahaha...

dont lazy yea??? =)