Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Medical Check-up

I went for a medical check-up at Miri City Medical Centre (MCMC) yesterday, just so i could get the form filled for my entry to uni. Twas a last minute decision, 'cause dad says it's nearer. And so, off i went, in full anticipation, to have my very first chest x-ray. Muahahaha

What was truly unexpected of that visit to MCMC, was that i found Dr Kenny Lee Kian Yee, the Most Outstanding Youth of the Year (2007) (at the 3rd AYA Dream Malaysia Awards). This was my first reaction when i say him:

you.... you... you're the AYA... AYA guy right??

UGH, talk about professionalism, it was so lame now that i think back about it... EEsh! embarass myself for eternity~~~

Anyways, Dr Lee's from Kajang. And now, alternates his weeks between Long Lama and Miri, EVERY WEEK=change location. And his wife is Kayan!! ain't that cool!! anyways, what i learned about him was that he actually planned to specialize in the buka ppl's body area one, but he also had the passion for his poems. And then, there was all this dillema about what to do. But in the end, he gave surgery the chop and fly here to sarawak. And now, considers Miri=part time work.
Cos he does his work for free one when he's in Long Lama. WAH... how many ppl do you actually know that is so wei da right... and so, he gets to earn SOME money, help ppl in the rural areas, plus writing!

O.o woooooooo

Anyways, he gave me a thought or 2 regarding medicine- That studying medicine is exruciatingly tough on your mind, but you'll enjoy the pain. Muahahaha!
or maybe something along those lines lah.....

Then i got to learn about the normal position/size of the heart, what happens when 'this and that' is different, learn whr the lungs are by looking out for the bronchioles, what diseases that can be seen from xrays (fibrosis smtg??), the gender of the patient
(by seeing whether boobs are present!! i forgot to ask how to see if a female has a flat chest/ fat males of those filled with so much oestrogen that they may have boobs??)
More along the general path, nothing really specific like ALL THE NAMES OF THE DISEASES??

anyways, twas great fun. Cool first medical check-up to have, if you ask me!

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